This group is for Kunbi community specific to Dhanoje-Kunbi from Maharashtra and other parts of India /rest of the World.

Mission of Group :
1. The first and foremost mission is to create a common platform where all dhanoje-Kunbi can put their thaughts,Share ideas , social networking , Get-Together etc.
2.To guide new comers in the field of education and professional career.
3.Help new comers in (as of now)pune/mumbai to get accomadation / contacts etc.
4.To conduct various events such as Annual Get-Together, picnics , visit to orphans school.
5.Call the dignities from Dhanoje-Kunbi communicity and feliciate them at various functions.
6.Apart from this we are planning to conduct few new activities where we need support of all of you (Share with us if you have new Ideas).
We will keep updating the latest news/buzz in our communicity so stay connected.
The first step is to get register with E-Mail list of this group.
You can use any of your email Id not but its better if you use Yahoo ID (Not necessary)
Just cliick below link to Join this group.
About Kunbi: Short History
People from the Kunbi (also called Kurmi) community in India belong to a sub-caste of the Kshatriya varna.[citation needed] The word kunabi is a generic term equivalent to farmer in English.According to the great indian mythology God Rama had two sons one Luv and other Kush. Luv's successors came to known as lavyas who settled in Kashmir and later moved towardsTother parts of the country mentioned below . Successors of kush came to be known as Kushwahas . who basically setteled in northern plains of India. Kurmis (then known as patildars) used to be governing bodies patildars in gujrat,maharastra ,south india , sindh, kashmir,eastern afganistan plains, indus valley and parts of pakistan before invasion of aaryans.